Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Week of School

We've made it this far even without voice on our first day.  Let me recap some important things we went over in class on Wednesday and Friday.

* Each Friday (10) spelling words will be handed out, maybe even a bonus challenge.  Take each word and use it correctly in a sentence.  Be careful you've spelled everything correctly and any necessary punctuation is used.  They are due on the following Wednesday class for credit.

* Class Project - I handed out a project board in class and can send another in group notices.  Its a board about you.  Either the state you live in - in real life, or here in Second Life.  Something that when I look at it I'd say, "yes, thats a board about (Miss Skylar)"  your design, and please have fun with it.  Its due the last week of class and yes, you'll be presenting them in front of the class.

* Field Trip - we'll be taking a fun adventure out in Second Life during our third week and I hope your all ready for an adventure that you'll be surprised about. 

* Show & Tell will be this Friday so bring something fun and interesting to share with us all.

* I need a picture of you for my board and I'll appoint a new STAR of the week this week. 

* Turn in a notecard with parent information and something you'd like to see happen in class and I'll pick a few and we'll enjoy them in class this month.


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